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           Thanks for visiting my site! My name is Michael Swann and I have a passion for rigging.  I have a background in mechanics and computer and networking technology that in combination with my artistic studies and knowledge of anatomy give me an advantage when approaching new tasks.  I am also familiar with some programming languages and enjoy new challenges.  If there is something I don't know I am willing and eager to learn.  Anyway, have a look around and feel free to shoot me a text or an email or find me on Linkedin!


Ahri Rig (League of Legends)

This is a rig I did for a friend for the Riot art contest. I really love the det... READ MORE

Tentacle Rig Demo

I was asked how I would approach rigging tentacles by a friend... READ MORE

© 2013 by MWS RIGS

All works in this site are copy righted and may not be copied or distributed without permission


11/26/14 - New bug fixes for the mwsAutoRig tool !!!


These include fixing issues in Ik/Fk blending and some typos in the code that made incorrect connections.

"mwsAutoRig" After a day of training with the talented crew at Blur... READ MORE

"Body Slam" This was a rig I set up to contain all of the characters... READ MORE

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